Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Cover changes and confusion why?

                                                 Cover changes in series.

This topic is in my opinion and should in no way be taken personally or be seen as a bash on publishers.

I like most bloggers and book lovers have a un dying love for my books and my shelfs. So when I find myself in love with a series and invested to the point where I purchase the whole series I hope that my series looks as good on the outside as it does on the inside. I do realize that sometimes authors are dropped by certain publishers or that they simply hope to rebrand their book to reach a wider audience or a different demographic.

 With this being said there are a Few major book series that have had very negative reactions due the choice of covers that we're chosen such as Across the Universe trilogy by Beth Revis, the original covers are beautiful depictions of blue and purple and pink space with lovely silhouetted people, insert the third cover a very literal interpretation of the name Shades of earth is a green book with leaves and what looks like stone thistle sign was clearly done as marketing to bring in more male readers.

Another series that was issued a redesign tho this one was done with the second book instead of e third was Sarah J Mass's Throne of glass series. The first book in hard cover was done as an edited model picture fairly generic and un original as this book cover has been widely scrutinized by other bloggers and vloggers alike it was quickly redesigned to a more widely accepted fantasy cover complete with a kick ass female assassin designed very much like an anime character. I personally don't really care for the redesign that much.

Another series that underwent a redesign after the first book was The Shatter me trilogy by Taharah Mafi . The first cover has been quoted by people as being a picture of a kardashian it wasn't a bad cover by any means it was a depiction of a scene in the book. The redesign was of a eye which is an absolutely beautiful cover, the publishers also made all the books available in both paperback and hardcover which I appreciate since hardcovers are nice but paperbacks are cheaper.

These are just a few examples of some of the many cover changes in theYa genre I'd love to hear your thoughts on these books and many more.
Till then keep the pages turning bookies :)

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